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Jul 26, 2021

Join me in a livestream tonight with Korey, Alisa Childers, Jeremy and Adie Camp! The theme is “Why We Still Believe”. On today’s Cooper Stuff Ten Minute Talk I explain why we are doing the livestream and what we hope to accomplish. It starts at 7:00 P.M CST. Join us on YouTube / Alisa Childers. See you...

Jul 12, 2021

As we celebrated July 4th, many people stepped into a controversy that they didn't understand. Why is America great, and how does she compare to other countries around the world? Special guest Graham Allen joins Cooper Stuff to talk about the importance of America, the ideological battle for the future of the...

Jul 7, 2021

Podcast mashup!! Cooper Stuff teams up with Alisa Childers to discuss the Matthew West controversy, purity culture,  and the anti-purity culture movement. Such an interesting and encouraging episode with lots of helpful insight.



► Buy John’s new book, Awake & Alive to Truth: Finding Truth in the Chaos of a...