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Jun 29, 2022

Wisconsin is abortion free! Absolutely amazing news and Cooper Stuff has some questions about what this means. We asked our friend Ginna Cross-who runs a pregnancy health center—to come on the show to answer questions. (1) we are called to help women in need…so what is the church and the clinic doing locally to...

Jun 27, 2022

This was a weekend of celebration! The overturning of Roe vs Wade is truly a miracle and blessing from God! Having said that, there seems to be a lack of celebration from half of the American church. Today, we talk about why; we name names; we read their tweets; we play some of their videos; we get controversial;...

Jun 20, 2022

There is a controversy over a bill that was proposed for “a moment of silence” in schools where students are encouraged to pray or simply to remain silent before starting the school day. Republicans have disappointed us yet again by rejecting the bill. Today Cooper Stuff has journalist Billy Hallowell on the show...

Jun 17, 2022

Ideas for Father's Day gifts for the guys in your life (with discounted promo code!) 

Jun 14, 2022

Order sweet stuff for Father's Day at with a 20% off promo code.  Check it out.